Jelenlegi hely
Publications of Attila Tanács
Study of the Inner Structure of a Damaged Control Rod by Neutron and X-ray Radiography and Discrete Tomography. In: Arif M, editor. Proceedings of the Eight World Conference WCNR-8.; 2008. 2. p. 294-303p.
Comparison Radiography and Tomography Possibilities of FRM-II (20 MW) and Budapest (10 MW) Research Reactor. In: Arif M, editor. Proceedings of the Eight World Conference WCNR-8.; 2008. 1. p. 18-27p.
Method and system for automatically transforming CT studies to a common reference frame. US Patent Application ed.; 2007.
Image registration methods based on interactively identified point pairs. Alkamazott Matematikai Lapok. 2004;21:237-260.
Composition of Radiography Pictures of Whole Helicopter Rotor Blades in Hungary. In: 7th World Conference on Neutron Radiography (WCNR).; 2002. 6. p. 637-642p.
Point-based registration assuming affine motion. LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2000;1888:329-338.