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Publications of Péter Horváth
A higher-order active contour model of a 'gas of circles' and its application to tree crown extraction. PATTERN RECOGNITION. 2009;42(5):699-709.
The 'Gas of Circles' Model and its Application to Tree Crown Extraction. Vol PhD. University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis and University of Szeged; 2007.
A New Phase Field Model of a 'gas of Circles' for Tree Crown Extraction from Aerial Images. In: Kropatsch WG, Kampel M, Hanbury A, editors. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP). Vol 4673. Vienna, Austria; 2007. 7. p. 702-709p.
A 'gas of Circles' Phase Field Model and its Application to Tree Crown Extraction. In: Domanski M, Stasinski R, Bartkowiak M, editors. Proceedings of the European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). Poznan, Poland; 2007.
A Multispectral Data Model for Higher-Order Active Contours and its Application to Tree Crown Extraction. In: Philips W, Popescu D, Scheunders P, editors. Proceedings of the Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS). Vol 4678. Delft, Netherlands; 2007. 2. p. 200-211p.
Kör alakú objektumok szegmentálása magasabb rendű aktív kontúr modellek segítségével. In: A Képfeldolgozók és Alakfelismerők Társaságának konferenciája - KÉPAF 2007. Debrecen: Képfeldolgozók és Alakfelismerők Társasága; 2007. 1. p. 133-140p.
A Higher-Order Active Contour Model for Tree Detection. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). Vol 2. Hong Kong, China: IAPR; 2006. 1. p. 130-133p.